Are we there yet?

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2022

"Are we there yet?"

Have you ever gone on a road trip or are travelling and your children or grandchildren are constantly asking. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

You look down at the GPS, and Google Maps says, it will be 2 hours. 

So you tell your children, "It's going to be another 2 hours.."

Then 15 minutes later, you hear, "Are we there yet?! When are we going to get there?! Why is it taking so long!" (Ok maybe I'm being generous, it's 3 minutes after you have just responded to them!).

If you have little children, or you're a grandparent, I know you know!

Here's the funny part. Are you ready?

Adults have their own version of "Are we there yet?".

"Are we there yet?" is the energy of impatience, anxiousness, and doubt.

Pause and think about it.

...Where in your life, in your relationships, in what you desire, do you have "Are we there yet?" running the show?

Currently, in my Mastermind, we are deep diving into the energetics of The Higher Self (if this is where you are at in your journey of growth, reach out to find out more). 

The "consciousness" that is needed to connect with your Higher Self requires you to let go of 2 things.

Time and your 5 senses. 

When it comes to Love and relationships, the foundation that's needed is Faith and Trust.

The faith and trust that I am lovable.

The faith and trust that it is safe to love.

The faith and trust that it is safe to be me. 

And that faith and trust are to come from your Heart.

Just like going on a road trip, as the driver, you have absolute faith/ trust of the destination. You are very clear on the time that it might take, and you have no doubt that you will reach your destination.

Your children who are sitting in the backseat are doubting, impatient, rushing the "timeline", wanting more control....They are unable to "surrender" and relax on the journey of getting to the destination.

The reasons our relationships struggle, or where we are unable to meet the obstacles we are facing from an empowered place, is because we are being "children" in the backseat of the car asking, "Are we there yet?" every 3 minutes. 

When we judge "reality" from our Mind, it will never be good enough, fast enough, something is always wrong, something needs to be fixed, and we are impatient, doubtful, and running on adrenalin and cortisol.

We see what we don't like.

We hear what seems to be a problem.

Our senses deceive us. 

However, when we view reality from our Heart, we trust life, we trust ourselves, we trust that we are guided, we trust that we will get through this, and we trust in the knowing that "life is on our side".

As an infinite Spiritual Being having a human experience, here is what I know.

You will face challenges. 

You will face obstacles.

You will make mistakes.

You have no control over the weather, other people, what other's say, do, and speak.

AND when you have a relationship with your Higher Self, when you live from your Heart....

You can navigate those challenges from your Highest Self.
The obstacles are asking you to Love and expand into your truest self.
The mistakes provide a greater understanding of course correction...

AND you have no interest in controlling the weather, other people, or what they say or do. 

The duality and polarity of life make up the Human experience.

The resistance to what it is to be Human and denying our connection to our Higher Self is what causes us to feel alone, abandoned, rejected, and not enough. 

I know, as a guide, as a coach, as a mentor - if I can help you "sober" up from your addiction to comparison, judging, questioning, blame, loneliness, feeling unwanted, unlovable, and not belonging - You are able to connect to the truth of who you truly are - and tap into your Highest Self.

As a parent, that's the gift our children have given us.

For, Love is patient and love is kind... Nothing asks you to practice this more than being a parent.

The "Healing" I guide my clients through is to shift from living from their Minds to living from their Hearts.

This takes extraordinary courage, and I'll be honest, it isn't easy, nor is it a walk in the park.

And I know - the outcome is an unbelievable depth of Love and trust in themselves, of their life, and knowing how to live from Surrender and be open to Receivership. 

Trusting yourself and trusting life isn't complicated. The Mind makes it so.

My close friend, coach, and mentor always reminds me of this line from Michael Singer; "You know you're in trouble when your Mind is telling you how to get to God."

Love cannot be accessed from the Mind. That's not the Mind's job nor is it the purpose of the Mind. 

Love, the depth of Love that creates Freedom, Liberation, Empowerment, Joy, Bliss - that kind of Love... can only be accessed from the Heart.

So - whatever challenges or obstacles you're facing, in your family life, in your business life, or in relationships - feel it from your Heart - and receive guidance from your Higher Self. 

And that's the only place in which you can trust the timing of your life.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS If you have a Vision for your life and want to start co-creating this Vision with your Higher Self and don't know how - reach out. It is Divine Timing as I will take you step-by-step, to cultivating this relationship with your Higher Self.  

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