
Exploring Motherhood with Consciousness, Mindfulness, and an abundance of Compassion.

Do you get hijacked by your emotions?

#healing #spirituality Mar 28, 2019

Our bodies hold all of our emotional memories.

Especially memories with a high emotional charge - Both positive and negative.

Emotional memories with a high positive emotional charge are great when they can bring a smile to our face, some warmth and comfort in our hearts, and they remind us of the awe and wonder in life.

Emotional memories with a positive emotional charge are not so great when...

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Parenting as a masterpiece

My parents never really enjoyed being parents. 

They wanted the best for my brother and me - and they loved us, as best they could. 

They had generational wounds of abandonment, rejection, and unworthiness. 

My mum grew up without a dad. She fell pregnant with me as a 20-year-old Catholic young adult who escaped Vietnam with no family - to a young adult male she barely...

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Did you ask yourself these questions before Motherhood?

I believe there is a myth that you cannot mentally or emotionally prepare yourself for Motherhood.

In a recent episode on IGTV, I asked the following 3 questions:

- Whose love did you crave for the most when growing up? And who did you think you had to be to receive love and acknowledgement?

- What wounds from family and childhood are unresolved?

- Do you currently feel seen, heard, and...

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