
Exploring Motherhood with Consciousness, Mindfulness, and an abundance of Compassion.

Parenting as a masterpiece

My parents never really enjoyed being parents. 

They wanted the best for my brother and me - and they loved us, as best they could. 

They had generational wounds of abandonment, rejection, and unworthiness. 

My mum grew up without a dad. She fell pregnant with me as a 20-year-old Catholic young adult who escaped Vietnam with no family - to a young adult male she barely...

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Did you ask yourself these questions before Motherhood?

I believe there is a myth that you cannot mentally or emotionally prepare yourself for Motherhood.

In a recent episode on IGTV, I asked the following 3 questions:

- Whose love did you crave for the most when growing up? And who did you think you had to be to receive love and acknowledgement?

- What wounds from family and childhood are unresolved?

- Do you currently feel seen, heard, and...

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When you think there is no more to give!

Hi beautiful soul!

I use to think the following:

“You can only give what you have, and receive that which you are”.

I believe what’s closer to the truth would be:

“You can only give what you think you have, and receive that which you think you are”.

When we are in the domain of motherhood, we may fall into the illusion that there is a lid on how much patience,...

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