Are you, the best version of you?

Uncategorized May 25, 2023

When was the last time you sat down, made time to connect with yourself, and asked, "Am I being the best version of me?"

.... and "What does it mean to be the best version of me?"

If you're like most people, you will run the program of....

If I'm the best version of me I would have the house, I would have the relationship, I would have the kids love me... etc etc...

The "default" programming for most people is that the best version of themselves is based on something outside of them. That the best version of themselves is conditioned by what they have. 

I'm going to challenge this.

The best version of myself is the one where I feel safe, free, and expansive to be me. I am aligned with my truth, with my Heart, and connected to my Highest Self. 

 The only limitations and blocks that I face are the ones that I give my power to and then I have to hide, suppress, manipulate, survive, pretend, hold back, on me. 

To be the best version of me is to be the fullest and most authentic version of me.

Nothing to hide. Nothing to run from.

That with such transparency, with no armour or walls around me - I feel ALL OF LIFE. I'm not afraid of Life. I trust my place in life. And I trust the journey of it. 

The FREEDOM to be me - is the best version of me.

The freedom to love.
The freedom to be loved.
The freedom to create.
The freedom to dream.
The freedom to desire.
The freedom to command my own reality. 

From that space, it means, I am the creator of my life.... and that the best version of me is 100% light up and on fire for the responsibility of creating my life - all of it. 

When it comes to parenting - do you feel that you are the best version of yourself as a parent? Are you doing your best? (And your best changes day to day). 

When it comes to your relationships - are you showing up as your best version irrespective of how the other is showing up? Can you bring Love to moments of conflict, disconnect, AND hold yourself accountable and the other accountable?

And when it comes to you living your purpose - are you showing up in your truest nature? Free from validation and approval? And being in your joy and most authentic truth?

How do you measure this, and how do you know?


Things happen in life. Circumstances, unexpected challenges. We are, after all, an Infinite Spiritual being having a human experience.

The thing about relationships is this.

If I can't be free to be me, and if you can't be free to be you, and you feel like I'm changing you, or I feel like I can't do something because you will take your Love away - that's not freedom... and inside of that paradigm - we're all suffocating our own life force and the life force of the relationship. 

AND if my quality of life is based on your emotional state and how you are - there's no freedom there either. 

The best relationships are the ones where we encourage and make space for each other to be "free".

I remember reading Thich Nhat Hanhs' book True Love, and in it, he says, "Loving another without knowing how to love the other, wounds the one we love.

How do we wound the ones we love? 

When we hold back. When we want to fix them. When we want them to prove themselves or we want to prove ourselves. When we walk on eggshells and are afraid of their emotional state. When we play the game of me vs you, and it's about who is right and who is wrong. 

All of these ways of being and operating has us feel really disconnected with ourselves, and not only are we suffocating the life force in a relationship - we suffocate our own life force.

There is no freedom. 

The greatest legacy that we can pass onto our children is a profound relationship with what it means to be the best version of yourself - and the freedom that comes with that. 

All of that can be summed up in one word. Love. 

It's not a mystery why even at 30, 40, 50, to even 70 so many people struggle with peace within themselves or questioning their worthiness.

They've never made the time, dedicated the energy, and learnt the practices that are needed to feel safe, and to be themselves. To be free to be themselves... and understand that the best version of themself doesn't exist outside of them. 

It's within. 

And all of that doesn't come from the Mind.

It's from the Heart. 

A Mind driven life is never going to give you freedom. 

And a Mind driven life doesn't lead you nor give you any access to living your best life or to being the best version of yourself.

Scale 1-10,
1. How safe and free do you feel to be you?
2. How much freedom do you feel as a parent?
3. How much freedom do you feel to be you in your relationship?

What, then are you hiding? Where are you holding back? And What is it that needs to be said that you're not saying?

Reply to this email with your responses.

Making the time to write it out and share it with someone - will create more awareness... and it will lead you to make different choices.

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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