Do people disappoint you and let you down?

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2023

And do you find that they can never live up to your expectations and the potential you see in them?

.....I want to ask you something....

Are you hard on yourself?
Do you have high expectations for yourself?
And are you afraid of not living up to your potential?

We project what we haven't healed within ourselves.

And I get it.

I'm not saying put up with mediocre or not have standards.

There's a difference between being our Highest Self and our best self and holding ourselves to our knowing of what's possible for us - AND there's being driven by Fear disguised as your Higher Knowing.

The first has infinite compassion, grace, forgiveness, kindness - and understanding of what it means to be human.

The latter, we beat ourselves up, withhold love, and we want to be SO right about how we can't trust anyone, and we close ourselves off from genuinely getting belly-to-belly and Heart to Heart with people.

The first means our relationships are always centred on getting to the Heart of the matter.

This also includes ourselves - getting Heart to Heart with ourselves!

This means we work through disappointment, we work through the conflict, we work through the differences, and we are committed to moving forward together. 

Most of the time, the majority of the time - we don't get to the Heart of the matter. We are constantly meeting the Heat of the moment.

And this discolours our view of the world. 

As a parent, grandparent, if you have a family - being hard on yourself, beating yourself up, criticising yourself, judging yourself, consistently listening to that voice that says, "You're falling short," and feeling as though you're falling behind or not living up to your expectations.....

It's a huge cost.

Huge..... and if you're looking for the "block" or the "limiting belief" that is holding you back on getting to the next level - it's right there.

You. Being. Hard. On. You.

If you don't stop being hard on yourself, you'll continue to blame, be a victim, and struggle with your inner demons - and NOTHING will ever feel right.

Stop fighting. Yourself.

Yes, the fight and the warrior in you got you here.

It's not going to get you where you truly want to go.

Because what you truly want, and what you struggle with - is feeling at peace, at home, and safe and leaning into the Heart of the matter. 

What you don't realise is when you heal this pattern of being hard on yourself, when you make an active commitment to break-up with this way of being, this is legacy. This is impact. And this is how you create your mark in the world.

...... Pause and feel into this. Imagine your daughter or son, and your grand-children... and your great-grandchildren - with the self-talk you have with you... is that ok with you? Because that's what is at stake.

Nothing loving has come out of blame, judgement and criticism.
Nothing extraordinary has been born from a place of disgust, disappointment, and conflict.

And relationships are never closer, mended, or healed when we are hard on each other and ourselves.

This isn't just about you. It's generational legacy.

Sending love,

PS If you're ready to break up with being hard on yourself - it starts with Forgiveness.
Here's a quick class on Forgiveness


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