How do I know if my inner child is running the show?

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2022

There are two places that we show up in that will cause the most pain and heartache in our relationships. 

And there are two places that we show up in that will cause the most connection, liberation, and intimacy in our relationships.

I call these our "Levels of Consciousness in Relationships".

I take my clients through my own personal framework around our levels of consciousness in relationships:

1. The Inner Child

2. The Depleted Parent

3. Wholeness

4. Higher-Self

At levels 1 and 2, we are in Fear.

At levels 3 and 4, we are in Love.

Knowing this will make a difference to EVERYTHING in your relationships.

In my Group Coaching Program, I guide my clients through levels 1, 2 and 3. 
In my Mastermind, we focus on the relationship with the Higher Self.

HOWEVER.... Here is what I want you to understand.

One isn't better than the other... and you aren't more worthy if you have a connection to your Higher Self.

It is all about having compassion and understanding for the journey you are on and meeting yourself where you're at. 

At Level 4 - The Higher Self, this is where Life flows through you, and you are a Vessel. 

At his level it is about Faith, Trust, Surrendering and Receiving.
You embody and integrate Divine Timing, Divine Guidance, and Divine Will. 

At Level 3 - Wholeness, this is where life is working with you and for you.

At this level it is self-mastery and it is about being in the body and being grounded, connecting to your Intuition, and Empowerment. 

At Levels 1 and 2 - You are in your Mind and reacting, blaming, rationalising, intellectualising, analysing, wanting to fix, solve, solutioning, in the past or in the future...

You are in resistance with life, the other, and yourself. There is a lot of focus on how the other person "should" be and how you "should" be.

Expectations are high, entitlement and demand on the other and yourself are high. It's noisy, you're unable to trust life, hustle, push, and there is no trust or ease. 

I did a 23 minute training of the 4 Levels of Consciousness in Relationships. This is my own personal framework that I guide my clients through.

It is a GAME CHANGER to master this for your relationships - especially the one with yourself.

You can view it here: 

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS If you're ready to embody and integrate Wholeness and co-creating with your Higher Self - and you're ready for the journey and have been looking for a sign, reach out and book a call with me.

It's the legacy you're leaving that will live on for generations to come. 


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