How important is trust in a relationship?

Uncategorized Jun 17, 2022

I know what it's like when you're in a relationship and you don't feel like they've got your back - and you're walking on eggshells or on edge; hyper-vigilant that something is going to go wrong or you're just always on auto-pilot needing to be in control of everyone and everything.

It's exhausting. It's painful. You can't relax in Life.

It's so unconscious - you don't trust them or the relationship or Trust that you've made the right choice.

It's the worst experience of loneliness - as you're with someone and you're even more lonely than being single. 

The lack of Trust is a recipe for heartbreak. 

Truth is, without Trust, a relationship cannot work.

And if you're in one, and there is minimal Trust - you're hurting. You both are.

So... On a scale 1-10, how much do you trust yourself?

The level of connection you allow yourself to experience in a relationship will never be higher than the level of Trust you have within yourself.

Without trusting yourself, a relationship with self cannot work. 

Unlike other relationships in your Life, the relationship with yourself isn't something you can avoid.

Your relationship with yourself is influenced by the level of Trust you have within yourself. 

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Including the one with you.

The reason you don't trust yourself is because you have been betrayed - or you have betrayed yourself in the past, and it hasn't been reconciled or resolved. 

You may have made choices where you have ended up being abandoned, rejected and taken advantage of.

Or maybe choices where you have consciously betrayed yourself - choices that went against your inner knowing.

Or you maybe made choices from logic, intellectualizing, rationalizing and completely from the Mind and disregarded the impact on your Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual wellbeing.

If you don't heal your relationship to trust, the fear of betrayal, and disappointment, will continue to limit your Life. 

You will consistently feel lonely within. You can't hide from it.

Trust in a relationship starts with healing the betrayal we have experienced and learning that we can make great choices and have a connection to our Intuition that we can always depend upon. 

Divine Guidance and being able to trust ourselves with creating our Life, and that we're someone that leans on our Intuition is pivotal to having a great experience in Life.

Self-doubt, control, being hypervigilant, overwhelmed, guilt and shame suffocate Life. And these are the places we go to when we don't trust ourselves.

The primary block for most when it comes to Trust is that they are trying to trust from the level of Mind.

Trust isn't logical. You can't intellectualize Trust. Trust isn't rational, and it isn't a phenomenon of the Mind.

Trust is an inner-knowing that comes from the Heart.

When you can depend, rely upon, and 100% surrender to your Intuition, and be the kind of human being that KNOWS they make great choices, or someone that can Love and honour themselves through their mistakes, your relationships soar.

Especially the relationship with yourself.

Trusting yourself leads to trusting your Heart, leads to trusting and allowing your Higher Self to be an integral part of your Life.

If you have an inspiring vision for your Life, Trust is paramount.

A vision without self-trust is the recipe for anguish. 

If you're ready to heal your relationship with Trust, and you're ready to create a powerful connection to your Intuition that is unwavering, I would love to invite you to connect with me to see how I can help.

Since December 2020, I have been holding the space for an incredible Mastermind.

What started as an incredible container for parents to Heal Generational Wounds, has evolved into a container for creating a relationship with our Highest Self and co-creating Life.

What does this have to do with Trust?

Everything. Co-creating with your Highest Self is when you unlock Divine Guidance. This level of Intuition and profound - and from this place, we are living Life with complete Trust in who we are and our purpose in the world. 

From this place, co-creating is all about Alignment of energy - and we are a magnet for Life coming to us.

This is the place of self-mastery at its highest. And this is the place of being at ease with Life - and being the best and Highest version of ourselves.

The walls that you had, will no longer disrupt your Life, and you will once and for all take off all that armour, and you will be DONE fighting against Life. 

I know this to be true - as I live it, breathe it, and 100% wholeheartedly believe in the power of living from your Highest Self.

If this resonates with you and you're looking for your next level of growth, I would love to connect to see if we're a match and if I can help you on your journey of self-mastery and Spiritual growth. 

I would love to connect. Book a call here

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS It's 6 months into 2022. How long have you been living with a lack of self-trust? Are you ok with this continuing for the next 6 months?

You have the opportunity to quantum leap into an alternate reality - or keep the existing one.


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