How to heal your relationship with money

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2023

What would be possible if you stopped making choices based on how much money you would make? Or how much you would save? Or FOMO?

AND instead, it was based on - the quality of growth, expansion, and joy?

What would it be like to trust yourself with money?

Trust that resources will always be available to you?

Trust in your ability to generate money WITHOUT self-sacrifice, proving yourself, hustling and trading time for money?

Healing your relationship with money is healing your relationship with trust, safety, security, and guilt. 

When you heal your relationship with money, you will trust yourself more, feel more safe and secure in who you are and your place in the world, and break free from the guilt and shame around your value and worthiness.

Here's how to start healing your relationship with money:

1. Find your starting point
Scale 1-10 - how safe do I feel with money? (10 being really safe, and 1 being unsafe - no matter how much there is, I'm anxious about it, or disregard it).

Scale 1-10 - if money was a "person", and money and I were in a relationship - how healthy is this relationship? (10 being really healthy, respectful, joyful and connected - 1 being dysfunctional).

2. Where does your model of money come from?
- Growing up, what was your father's relationship to money? - What did you unconsciously inherit?
- Growing up, what was your mother's relationship to money? - What did you unconsciously inherit?
- What else were you taught about money?

3. In your life, who are five people who have a healthy relationship with money, have the life you want, and share your values?

(PS The quickest and fastest way for any transformation is this - Find five people who have what you want, healed from what you need healing from - and be in their energy field, learn how they think, and observe how they behave ;) )

4. In your life, who are the five people you are listening to about money?

Whose advice and opinions do you take on? Who are you influenced by? - Do they have the life you want? Are you inspired by who they are and what they stand for? 

5. Get honest about what currently DOESN'T work right now regarding money in your life. 
Eg I hate my job - and I'm in it for the money
I am working so hard, with so many hours, and can't make ends meet

You need to tell the truth. Most people don't. Most people are afraid to look at what doesn't work - because it will take work to change it.

6. How do you behave when you receive money? What are the thoughts that come up? How do you feel when you spend it?

The above 6 questions will give you "awareness" of where you are right now.

Most people don't want to deal with the dirt or the unworkability - they want the end result.

However, the only way you will Quantum Leap and heal your relationship with money is to identify behaviours that don't serve you.

And you identify the behaviours that don't serve you - by awareness.

For example, if you recognise that you have been getting advice and taking action and guidance from people who don't have the life you want, nor the relationship with money that you want - the behaviour that needs to shift is - stop talking to those people when it comes to money. 

That's like getting parenting advice from people who don't have children. Nothing could be MORE annoying and unproductive.

Or getting relationship advice from people constantly struggling with relationships.

Start looking at the price you put on your piece of mind? - Is that worth it? Start noticing do you loose sleep over $5, $10, $100K, $1M..... 

And then ask, "If I'm getting worked up over $30 - is that how much I value my peace of mind?!"

.....And here's one of the most revealing questions about your relationship with money.

7. Do you value your time?

Why? Because if you don't value your time, you probably feel like you never have time...and you allow people into your world who don't value your time either.

They have a monopoly over your time.

And.....if you feel there's never enough time, and you're always falling short - that's "scarcity" and "I'm not enough" running the show. 

Whatever you're doing with time - you do with money. 

I used to be there.. and it's still something that I ACTIVELY work on... I invest in a mentor/ coach over 6-figures to ensure my relationship with time/ money aligns with my highest and greatest good. 

From here, be prepared to be uncomfortable, be prepared to do, learn, and create new habits and behaviours that feel uncomfortable to create a BRAND new relationship with money.

It is uncomfortable when we are going through a healing journey of ANY kind - and we won't want to do the work even though we "want the result". 

You're not meant to "want" to do the work. No-one wants to do the work in any transformational program They do the work because they are committed to the result.

As my mentor would remind me, "Be loyal to the transformation". 

Transformation and breaking free from your programs is neither pretty nor comfortable, and it is a reckoning of your habits. 

If you want to know what to invest in that will yield the greatest ROI.

You. You are your best and biggest investment. 

Every mentor/ coach that I had and currently have, who are masters of healing generational wealth, have shared the same mindset; "Before I invest in property, before I invest in the stockmarket or shares, I invest in me first. I am my biggest ROI."

These are 7-9-figure entrepreneurs who have Love and Family as their highest values, work between 4 - 20 hours a week (MAX), and are Spiritually connected and aligned. 

I hope that's a helpful starting point in healing your relationship with money.

I know healing our relationship with money matters. It matters that your children, your family, and the generations to come - have a harmonious, healthy, and joyful relationship with money.

It's never too late to start. You can start today.

Sending love,
Yummii xx


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