I feel so much joy, and I'm on fire... Inbox

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2022

"We just can't keep our hands off each other!"

My Mastermind client shared.

"I am so in alignment. I am clear about my priorities. Life is flowing!... and I have a brand new relationship with my husband!"

When Jo came into the Mastermind just over a year ago, all she wanted was to have a better relationship with her children - and break the cycle.

She recognised that there were traumas that happened in her childhood that were holding her back. 

She didn't want to rehash the story. She has done years of inner work. She couldn't move forward the way she wanted - and knew to be possible. 

However, here's what I love most. 

She can now trust herself.

She can now trust life.

She can access her Higher Self - with no reservations...and trust in the guidance and wisdom of that.

Does she have challenges? Yes. And they don't hijack her. 

And what she didn't believe was possible was for her marriage to be created anew.

Here's Jo sharing her light. 


When I say I truly love my clients - I'm telling you... I truly LOVE my clients.

Because I know what's at stake. Their biggest legacy. Their children. The next generation. 

The journey from Head to Heart, the journey from being lost to coming home to you, is the most courageous journey you could go on. 

And it's your greatest legacy. 

This flow and alignment of what Jo has mastered - this is the seed that's available and our birthright.

Our children didn't come through us so they could witness us suffer..... survive... and struggle with life as though that's the norm. 

It's NOT normal. It's common. NOT NORMAL.

Your real impact, your real message, your legacy, is in how you live your life, your expression of joy, and being the embodiment of loving your life. 

That is the Highest order. That is the purpose.

Purpose isn't what you do, what you build, the number of people you impact...Whilst that's fun - that's not purpose. 

I believe there is no Higher Purpose than to love your life. And you love your life when you are in alignment with your Heart and Highest knowing. 

Simple. Yes.

Easy. No.

And it can be. 


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