Is your teenager self-harming? Or have an ED?

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2022

Or dealing with depression and anxiety - and refusing to talk to you or open up?

The teenage years are delicate.

Your child is no longer a child, and yet they aren't exactly an adult.

I remember my teenage years were confusing and difficult. Extremely painful.

I felt as though I was making choices that would haunt me for the rest of my life and that burden of failure was an impossible weight that I had to force myself to carry on my own.

I didn't know who to turn to. And I needed someone to talk too.... 

Your teenager needs to talk to someone. If they aren't talking to you... and they are talking to their friends, they are in trouble. 

You wouldn't go on a plane with a trainee pilot. Your teenager seeking advice and connection from their friends who are going through the same thing - rarely goes well. 

In Dr Gabor Mate and Dr Gordan Neufield's book, "Hold onto your Kids", the science and research go to the core of how the unmet needs of children, specifically in the teenage years, create lifelong habits of disconnection, loneliness, abandonment, and unhealthy habits of attachment. 

We all want our children to be successful, have a thriving life, and really LOVE their life - have you ever paused and reflected on what that means to you?

For me, it's healthy relationships. I have it in my being that our boys will love their life if they understand and can be someone that creates healthy relationships. 

The teenage years are defining for their introduction to healthy relationships OR the trajectory of unhealthy relationships. 

And it's heavily dependent on who our teenagers ALLOW into their world to influence them. And their sense of self.

Now... if you have a teenager who is dealing with ED, emotionally/ spiritually/ mentally broken, going through self-harm, depression - and they aren't talking to you - they need to talk to someone that can care for their Heart.

And their friends can't care for their Heart in the way it needs to heal and mend.

NOW - as a parent, your teenager WILL NOT respond to you being a parent to them in the same way you were parenting them before the age of 13.

The parent they need right now IS NOT the parent you were when they were 13.... We all go through 7-year cycles.. Starting around the age of 13/14, there are psychological, biological, and Spiritual shifts within your teenagers that require a different kind of parent to hold space. 

The more you compare them to a past "sweeter" and younger version of themselves in your mind and in your unspoken expectation - the more they will push you away. 

And if they are going through an ED/ Self-Harm or something serious - they need professional help. YOU CANNOT SOLVE THIS FOR THEM. 

So who do you turn too? Where does one go? 

This is someone very special that I want to share with you - and it's not often that I would do this.

I want to introduce you to someone special. Tracey Burns.

Tracey didn't ask me to do this - and I'm not affiliated with her courses or services in any way.

She is a client of mine, and so I am intimate with her Heart, her being, her truth, and the power she has in holding space for Teens.

I know there is a parent in my world with a teen that's really struggling - and has no one to turn to and knows deep in their being, their child needs to talk to someone and needs guidance (that's NOT from their friends).

I know that some of you may have a teen that is going through ED/ Self-harm and is mentally/ emotionally/ Spiritually bankrupt. The child that they were at 12 is completely different to the one that is now at 16.

Please reach out to Tracey. Please. She will be able to guide your teen and you as a family. 

She walks that talk. She is the embodiment of what she teaches. She is the real deal. 

Right now, you might have a nutritionist or psychologist or other health professionals bombarding your teen - and you can see that they are even more withdrawn, scared, angry, and closed off...

They need someone like Tracey. Your family needs someone like Tracey.

There are very few people who can holistically, in Mind/ Body and Spirit, support these challenges teens go through with the Heart and care that's truly needed.

Sure - your daughter may gain her weight back - and is her self-belief intact? My answer is highly unlikely. 

Having someone like Tracey in your child's life while they are healing is the difference between recovering physically from an ED to recovering physically, mentally, emotionally, and Spiritually. 

Tracey specialises in supporting teens in a way that I have never witnessed before.

As I said, Tracey didn't ask for me to share this. And I have this feeling someone in my world has asked for a sign from the Universe to help their child. 

This is your sign. Reach out to Tracey. 

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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