Nature or Nurture?

Uncategorized Oct 26, 2023

Is it nature? Or is it nurtured?

A friend asked me this question when I first had Avery. 

When I was doing my Leadership training, we learnt about "ways of being" - and we learn that there are INFINITE ways of being.

I remember an exercise where I had to express anger. Something I really found hard to express. And there was another exercise where I had to be aggressive. I had to learn all the ways of being that I judged.

It was one of the most liberating experiences and what I got from this exercise is that we're not stuck as our personality. That we can "be" anyway that's needed. 

This meant that the "personality" was fluid - and you're not stuck with the same personality. 

In having studied Dr Joe Dispenza's work, he would consider your personality - your personal reality.

When we study the esoteric texts, "reality" is perception and not truth or any reflection of  infinity. 

What does this have to do with nature or nurtured?

What is it that we're born with - and what is it that we have learnt to adapt or created within ourselves to adapt and survive?

As I was walking through the shopping centre the other day, the following came to me as a possibility of what a child might say...

"It's in my nature to grow. It's in my nature to give, and it's in my nature to Love. Also what exists in my nature is a path that is destructive. There is a part of my nature that is ugly, that is unhealthy and that will hurt others. 

The nature that I share and express in the world - depends on what is nurtured.

So there's what's in my nature, and there's what's going to be nurtured. 

In my nature is the infinite experience of what it means to be human. And therefore, what exists within me is the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, the darkness and the light, the shadows and the truth.

All of that is in my nature.

What will come out of my nature is what will be nurtured, and what is nurtured is based on my environment, my upbringing, the words I hear, the comfort I receive or not, the understanding of my place in the world - whether I have a sense of belonging or loneliness, whether I feel safe and allowed to be me.. the nature of my expression will be based on whether the Love in me is nurtured... and the capacity in which I know or have learnt how to allow that life force to come through me...

My nature is infinite. What is nurtured will determine the part of Infinity that I express. 

I recognize my life is a creative expression - when the Light that's within me is nurtured... This is when I recognize my nature as the creator of my life.

I recognize my life as an expression of suffering and survival - when the Darkness that's within me is nurtured.... This is when I can't separate between my shadows and "me". I am under the illusion that "I am my shadows" not recognizing that they are an experience that's within me. "

My relationship to Parenting has been the most creative expression - and it has been the catalyst for my Spiritual journey.

For there was what I was told about parenting, and there was what I created parenting to be.

And it is through parenting that I have exercised, cultivated, and nurtured the nature within me - to grow, to Love, to express the "creator" within me.

This is healing generational wounds. This is breaking cycles. And this is truly what our children are seeking from us.

I went on this journey to share a perspective of parenting as a Spiritual awakening as I always felt that I was a burden to my parents.

There was nothing about my birth or my existence that was celebrated. I can't ever remember celebrating my birthday and my parents can't till this day struggle to remember my actual birthday. 

I could say, what was nurtured was the darkest part of human being. The loneliness, the despair, the abandonment, the rejection, the seperation and the disconnection.

I am very sure they never wanted me to feel this way, nor was it their intention for me to feel as though I was a burden....

I get they were hurting. And because they didn't have anyone to care for their wounds to nurture another part of their nature, they only could nurture me from what they knew.

Truth be told, it was the greatest gift my parents gave me... for I wouldn't be the parent or this passionate about parenting as I am today.

That feeling of being unwanted, a burden... and consistently feeling as though I was a mistake, a regret... it's something that I would NEVER want any child to feel or believe within themselves.

Healing generational cycles isn't a quick fix. It is unlearning decades, generations, lifetimes of cellular memory that has is seduced into thinking we are limited in our nature.

Our pain can be empowering. It can empower us to see the world differently, challenge what was nurtured within us - and to make a choice to start nurturing the part of our nature that is Light, that is compassion, that is Love - that's the possibility that's available on a healing journey.

For me, I believe that the highest expression of our nature is to Love. And it is this highest expression that is to be nurtured.

And we can only nurture it in others, when we nurture this part within ourselves.

So - may you give yourself the gift of nurturing and nourishing the highest expressions within you - so that the nature of Love can come through you.

Because I know what's what you want for your children. 

Give to you, what it is you want for your children. 

Sending love,
Yummii xx


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