Our children as our mirror

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

It's mid-2020 - and what a start of a decade.

I believe that life is always working for us and that there is a lesson in every trial and tribulation. 

The gift of the lesson is, and always will be - choosing Love. 

Love is truly the most potent and energetic creative force in the universe. 

We're either only ever motivated by Fear, or motivated by Love. 

Our children are our mirrors. If ever we want to know whether our life is guided by Fear or Love - observe our relationship with our children. Observe how we are in our parenting. Observe our language, our interactions, our connection or disconnection.

A beautiful mother reached out to me the other week asking for some guidance around whether she should go back to work part-time, full-time or stay with the children and what my advice would be.

My response was; "Are you coming from a place of Fear or Love in these options? What would your perfect day look like? Feel like? What would allow you to thrive?".... "and then from there, be guided by this as your North Star and see what actions/ choices align with what will honour your heart. What would Love do?"

To which this beautiful mother replied; ".....I was coming from a place of Fear. The question of what a perfect day for me looks like has me baffled. I guess I've never really taken the time to consider this. Thank you for such an incredibly uplifting insight..."

Parenting hasn't made us more fearful. Parenting is the catalyst for our wounds and trauma to rise to the surface. Without parenting, these wounds and trauma would be "dormant" - and unconsciously run our lives. With parenting, we're shown the extent to which we either operate from Love or Fear; and learn that we have a choice.

Here's an opportunity for reflection. On a scale of 1 - 10; how much are you enjoying your child/ children right now? 1 being I'm finding it difficult to connect with them; 10 being - I'm soo loving being a parent, it feels expansive in my life. 

Firstly - DO NOT JUDGE where you are on the scale. 

Secondly, - Bring some awareness. What don't you enjoy? And why?  

Lastly - What needs healing? What would your Highest-Self share with you about what needs healing?

I often find that the disconnection comes from our wounds and trauma as a child. If our "inner-child" didn't feel seen, heard and understood - or if our "inner-child" is fuelled with memories of Fear-based parenting from our parents - There's an opportunity to meet these Fears with Love. We meet our wounds with Love by opening up to our Highest Self - and speaking to those wounds and trauma from a powerful state of awareness.

So much of parenting is about re-parenting our inner-child - and healing these parts we deem unlovable, and our children provide the perfect mirrors. 

I also want to share with you a beautiful conversation I shared with the incredible Claudia Fowley from MamaVisions - A Journey to the Heart

The podcast episode can be heard here.  

Mamavisions is a podcast created by Claudia and Krissy for mothers who are on a spiritual, conscious path - and a selection of conversations to inspire and have mother's feel empowered on this journey of Motherhood. It is a German-based podcast - and my conversation with Claudia is in English :) 

I love what these two women are doing and the conversations they are bringing to life around Motherhood. Please do share the podcast with any German-speaking mother's you know (and there are a few English based episodes!). 


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