Replay: "A Greater Understanding of Infinity"

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2023

If you have ever wondered why you're not getting the results you want from meditation or any self-development courses; or trying to figure out what the block is or what you're not doing enough of, I can't wait to share this Masterclass with you.

Last week, I ran a Masterclass, "A Greater Understanding of Infinity". 

A replay was requested by those who couldn't join live. 

I wasn't able to organise a replay as I didn't have the systems in place - and a participant in the group reached out to share that she was more than willing to organise it for me! :) 

I am so excited to share this Masterclass with you - and I hope it gives you clarity - as it did for the 50+ souls that attended live. 

Here is what some of the participants shared about the Masterclass:

  • I leave this space inspired and freer and lighter
  • That was incredibly helpful
  • So powerful !!! New insights for me today 
  • This has been amazing. So grateful for your teaching
  • What a great session!!!
  • Thank you so very much for this Masterclass. It was incredible!

My intention is that it serves you in knowing how to access Infinite potentials and possibilities.

There is nothing more frustrating, disheartening and defeating if you're in a season of transition or growth - and you don't know how to navigate that resistance or how to Quantum Leap to the next season in life. 

Here is the link for the replay:

Sending so much love,
Yummii xx


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