The hard things about hard things..

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2022

The hard thing about parenting isn't patience... the hard thing is believing that patience is the choice to make, and it feels safe to be patient.

The hard thing about parenting isn't needing to be everything to everyone and doing it all - the hard thing is letting go of that and realising how unhealthy and dysfunctional it is to continue to play it out.

The hard thing about parenting isn't learning how to control our children or make them listen - it's about letting go of the attachment to control and craving for them to listen as though that's the solution to your challenges.

The hard thing about parenting isn't raising children - it's raising ourselves. 

The hard thing about parenting isn't being present - it is letting go of the addiction to the worries from our past and our anxiety about our future.

Here's the hardest thing about parenting.

The hard thing about parenting isn't the guilt, shame, or feeling like you're failing - it is having complete faith in your child choosing you - and you receiving this gift or parenting and honouring it by Choosing Love, first and foremost for you.

What is common in the above statements is one is sourced in Fear, and the other is sourced in Love.

The hardest thing about parenting is trusting that parenting from Love feels safe. 

Most of us feel safer parenting from Fear.

The sadder part - it's not just parenting.

We have been conditioned to believe that living from Fear is "safer" than living from Love.

We may read all about Love, we consciously are aware of the power of Love, and we may even preach Love.

However, to live from Love - very few embody this... because it doesn't feel safe, nor do we know how to have the energetics to trust it.

To live from Love is to Surrender and Receive the guidance, the wisdom, the knowing from your Heart.

To live from Fear is to live from the Mind. 

The source of ALL our relationship challenges is because we attempt to Love from the Mind.

And so - the hardest thing when it comes to relationships isn't loving another... it is learning to Love from our Hearts and not our Minds. 

The Mind is beautiful - however, when it comes to Love - it's unfair to ask the Mind to know how to Love.

For you can't think, analyse, rationalise, or bring logic to Love. 

Love isn't intellectual. It is energy. The most potent energy in the world. 

Let me know if this resonates.

Sending Love,

Yummii xx


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