The Higher Self...

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2022

"I'm always with you - I've always been here."

That's what my Higher-Self shared.

It was only a few years ago that I thought I could only access my Higher-Self based on those that had the "gift" to channel or pass on messages.

I thought the Higher Self was something I could only connect to in meditation.

I thought my Higher-Self was outside of me.. and even if I read about it, and "consciously" knew that there was a "Higher-Self" - it was just that - an idea.

I hear it all the time; "I'm a Spiritual being, having a human experience."

There's consciously knowing it - and consciously living it. Two very different realms.

In consciously knowing it - when we are at our edge, we bail on ourselves.

We put Faith in our mind over our heart and then expecting to feel alignment within ourselves - it's torture.

It's as though we have an idea that we are more than this body - yet we are so hijacked by the mind.

We want to desperately feel and trust our heart - and we don't trust ourselves to do so.

In this experience, our mind wins.

"Reality" is restricted to we see, feel, touch, hear, and taste.

The limited perception based on the 5 senses.

We shut out our intuition. We ignore the gut feel. We turn away from "remembering" our truth.

In consciously living it - one thing is needed.

The embodiment of wholeness.

The belief, the absolute "knowingness" and having the body believe and recognise the experience of feeling safe in our body - and that we are worthy, enough, and loved.

For without wholeness, one cannot receive.

...and if one doesn't know how to "receive" or feel worthy of "receiving" - we can't hear and receive the wisdom our Higher-Self is passing onto us.

It is through "receiving" guidance and the trust in the connection with our Higher Self that we're able to place faith in our heart, over our mind.

That we choose to show up and act with resolve based on a commitment to expand our heart over logic, the 5 senses and transcend our circumstances.

There is something profound about our relationship with our Higher Self that we can observe based on how we are in our existing relationships.

... In any relationship.. Here is how it plays out.

Another can only Love us according to what we feel we are worthy to receive.

We've all been there in some form.

Maybe we have been the one in a relationship where the other was always giving - and it somewhat seemed too much. Too overbearing. We just weren't ready to receive their Love.

We felt unworthy. We felt that "if they find out who I really am, they are going to realise I'm so broken.... so I'm going to end it first and sabotage it first before I am too invested and they will break my heart."

OR maybe we have been the one that over gives.

We felt that the more we give, the more we can make something of the relationship and that it will work.

So we OVER compensate... yet only to find that it scared the other person away and we're left with reinforcing the belief and story "I'm not enough."

In both circumstances, it is the inability to understand "receivership".

You can only love another where they are at... and you can only receive Love, where you are at.

AND this is the relationship our Higher Self has with us.

Our Higher Self will always meet us where we are at. No more, no less.

Our Higher Self understands and is so graceful with our journey of returning and remembering our "wholeness".

It isn't a process that can be "hurried" nor a process that is prescriptive. It isn't a process that takes time.

It is a process of forgiving ourselves for our transgressions, for loving ourselves for where we are at, and surrendering our unconscious pattern of believing that we're doing life alone.

For here is what I know in truth.
I am guided.
I am held.
I am loved.
... As are you.

No matter what your past, no matter what has happened, no matter the hurt you have caused another or if you have been hurt... All can be healed... And your Higher Self is waiting to come home to you.

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS If you're a parent, and you want to see how parenting can help you access your Higher self, and have you return home, book a call with me here.

It's profound. It's the highest Spiritual work we can do as a parent.. and for the lineage that follows.


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