What comes up when I ask this question...

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2023

Do you allow people to look after you? 
When was the last time someone looked after you?

... What comes up?

Does it bring up loneliness or the experience of feeling unheard?
Or does it bring up a follow-up question of, "Who is there to ask?" 

It is nearly impossible to have a thriving family when you don't feel safe to be looked after, and you don't feel deserving of support and care.

If you're like most parents, you feel lonely, and you feel unheard - especially in your relationship and as a couple while raising a family. 

And you keep trying so much, and you feel like you're going backwards and hitting a wall.

So... you continue to decide to do it all on your own. 

The problem is, if you continue this way, you will continue to shut yourself down and close off your Heart. 

The dissatisfaction continues to grow.

The impact is you start disconnecting from who you are... and the bright light in you gets dimmer and dimmer.

The problem is your children need your light as bright as it can be. Not dimmed down.

And if you don't know how to allow others to take care of you or trust that you can be taken care of - you will continue to dim that light...

So much so that you won't trust your gift or trust in what you're here to contribute and do - and you'll be afraid of the light within you. 

Because your light is dependent on how much you know yourself to be Love... And if you don't know how to ask for help, how to receive it, and how to open up to allow others in, you don't know yourself as Love. 

If you have felt, in your life from a very young age, that you were connected to something, and not understanding what you are connected to - yet always drawn forward with some sense of knowing there is something greater, and not knowing the plan on how to get there - you need your light.

And you need to feel safe and know how it feels to be cared for and looked after.

The cost if you don't learn to feel safe in asking for help, or learning to let go of control, or let go of needing to do it all - the cost is your sense of self and you will continue to live life with a dimmed light, growing more and more away from the truth of who you are.

And that doesn't serve anyone. Especially your children. 

Now, you may be a parent where the Parent/ Child relationship is thriving, and you did everything and do everything for your children - however, did you give it at the cost of "you"?

Help is not a weak word. And "needing to be in control" isn't strength.
Doing it on your own because you are in so much pain with abandonment and rejection - isn't something to pass on.

Neediness isn't a flaw, and neither is dependence.

There is a healthy form of help, there is a healthy form of independence, there is a healthy form of dependence, and there is a healthy form of needy.

There are also unhealthy forms of it.

Your job, on the healing journey is to understand what is healthy and what isn't. 
What gives life, and what doesn't.

And anything that has us feeling dissatisfaction, abandoned, rejected, closed off - and shuts us down and shuts our Heart off - is not healthy. 

Now - entertain for a moment. What would life be like if you didn't do it alone? If you felt heard? If you felt supported? Partnership? Guided?....and you were evolving AND not doing it alone?

The wound of "I'm on my own" and "I don't need you" or "I don't trust you" or "I don't belong" doesn't serve you or anyone around you.... 

And your job is to let go of what doesn't serve you - and step into a version of you that feels safe to be loved, feels safe to be supported, feels safe to be guided, and feels safe with trusting themselves and others.

That's when your Light is the brightest.. and you've really owned and stepped into your power.

And that's the light we want to pass onto our children... and they pass that onto their children...

It's not a mystery on why there is so much dissatisfaction in our relationships and why we feel that wall when we want something better for our lives...

And it's also not a mystery on how to get there.

The first step is to stop doing life alone. You can't figure it out on your own right now - Yes, you do have the power and you don't trust it yet........ SO....you won't get there alone from where you are now.

Sometimes, the most loving thing you can do that will move you forward is to borrow someone's Faith and belief in you. And that's when you start breaking the pattern of "I'm doing it on my own".

It's what I did. It's what has helped me move through the resistance and conquer those walls.

It's what I did - and it's still what I do because I know that the journey of keeping the light inside of us is a better journey when I'm not doing it on my own. 

And it's what I do for others. 

You can't see your true self, and you can't see your light - when you have the identity of "I can't trust anyone" and "it doesn't feel safe to allow others to look after and care for me".

If you're ready for a self-mastery journey, to break up with your Mind and live from your Heart - and to own your Light and break free....

Reach out.

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS This isn't a journey for anyone who wants a quick fix, believes in a magic pill, or thinks that change happens in a weekend or a week. That's called a chemical high. It's the same experience you get when you go on holiday - and you continue to "crave" for it. 

Stop lying to yourself and trying to convince yourself of false transformation. 

This is for real transformation. From one identity to the other. The mastery of breaking up with your Mind and living from your Heart. Shifting from "It's not safe to be me" to "I belong here". That's a rewiring, unlearning, deprogramming on a Mind/ Body/ Spirit level. 

And ... you can't go on that journey alone. 


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