Would you learn how to knit to break generational cycles?

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2023

What does it look like to heal generational wounds?

In our family it looks like John learning how to knit.

Every Thursday, John takes Brooklyn to a Steiner Playgroup.

In the playgroup they knit, paint, and do different arts and crafts.

He is the only father who is present every week.

He learnt how to knit to make toys for Brooklyn.

He learnt how to knit so he can help Avery knit as part of his learning at school. 

Breaking cycles in our family also looks like:

Brooklyn sharing with us.. "I feel sad and lonely in our family sometimes"

Avery sharing with us... "I'm tired and I need rest"

We say in our family... "We all make mistakes, and we give each other chances"

As parents, we apologise to our children when we have projected our impatience or misunderstanding and are abrupt with them...

We show them how to "reconnect" and "reconcile" even when there are differences....

We ask to make up and forgiveness

We choose each other and our connection, over being right

We choose our family thriving, over outside expectations

We do what is in alignment with an overflowing well in Mind, Body, and Spirit in the family first - and everything is secondary

We sit together and have dinner, communicate, and share what is working and what is not working as a family

We celebrate and encourage each other - everyday

We acknowledge as parents that everyone is allowed to have "off days" and it doesn't mean anything...

We don't push gratitude
We don't push for happiness
We don't push obedience
And we don't push intelligence

We hold sacred, authenticity and "being".

(Yep - you read correctly. I don't push a gratitude nor do I push for happiness, obedience and intelligence)

John and I tag team. Some days I don't have much in the tank, and other days he doesn't. We have each other's back

As a mother, I share my mental load. I don't keep it to myself.. because I'm not interested in being a hero or the "strong one" in the family... I'm interested in wellbeing...

We get a lot of things wrong... And we are masters of taking accountability and responsibility for our stuff

Underpinning all of this is one common thing that helps us come back to centre.

Love. The type that comes from the Heart - not the Mind.

Healing Generational Patterns is the process of healing our addiction to our mind in our relationships.

And true healing is the return to Love, and living from our Hearts.

No matter what.

That return to Love, and choosing to return to Love is the work of being in Spirit.

As parents, whether we want to or not, whether we choose or not... We are the first "Spiritual leaders" our children encounter.

Heal yourself, and you heal your family.
Heal your family, and you heal the world.

"The Rise of the Spiritual Leader" a Free Masterclass is on Thursday 21st September.

This is a class for you if you know you're here for more, and you're ready to step into your power and want to know the pieces of the puzzle to contribute to healing in our world - and it starts with you, your family, and then the world. 

My most vulnerable and raw, free Masterclass yet. 

Register here. 

For everyone that joins live, you'll get a copy of my Higher Self Mastery meditation which has only been available to my clients.

And there is an opportunity for Q&A at the end.

Would love to see you there.

This class is for you if you feel this fire within you to be more - and you don't know how to bridge that gap between your Spirituality and your Intellectual world.

It's on tomorrow, September 21st 6AM - 7:30AM Sydney, Australia time.

September 20th 4PM EDT
September 20th 1PM PDT
September 20th 3pm CDT
September 20th 10pm CEST

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS If you knew from a young age, or even now, something is awakening inside of you that wants to express itself through you - I'd love to support you on the next step of your journey.


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