You don't have to sacrifice your happiness

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2023

You don't have to sacrifice your happiness.

As you read this - for some of you, you may nod in agreement - and find it hard to believe.

And for others, you might vehemently disagree and then give me the reasons why.

I get it.

The question of "How can I have it all?" can be really elusive - and create more angst than it does freedom.

You can have it all - only when you are operating and living life at the level of consciousness of your Heart, your Highest Knowing, and your most authentic self.

You can't have it all when you're operating from the level of Mind. 

Just like the law of gravity - the law of ease, the law of grace, the law of living your best life is available.... however, there are conditions that are needed for you to experience that law.

When you're swimming, you don't really experience the law of gravity. 

When you're jumping out of the plane, you really, really get it. You won't ever deny gravity exists.

When you're surviving, you don't believe that there is ease in life.

When you're living from your Heart, the law of receivership and living your best life is unquestionable. It is in your cells. And once you're here - you'll never ever deny the flow of life. 

When we become parents - I invite you to consider this truth.

Children don't do what we say, they do, what we do.

And if we want our children to live their best lives, to know that they are worthy of goodness, greatness, and receivership - they are asking us to step up and command life.

I'm going to say that again.

They are asking us to step up and COMMAND LIFE.

Reality is malleable - and to co-create reality - it is only at the level of Love, the level of Heart, and your Highest Self.

Reality occurs as fixed at the level of the Mind. At the level of intellect. 

That's why when you try to "manifest" and "create life" from survival - it doesn't work. 

One thing I'm very, very clear about is this. Your children are asking you to live your best life.

And when you live your best life, there is no compromise. 

So many people try to argue with me that compromise is a part of life... and that you have to settle.

Arguing for your limitations is what will continue to keep you stuck. 


However - is that how your story ends?

An exercise that my Mastermind clients go through is writing their own eulogy from the perspective of their children. 

It is humbling, and it will wake you up.

Is your child going to be in grief with the unlived life you had?

Sharing how selfless you were? And that you put them first and everyone else first....? And you had so many unmet dreams?

"She sacrificed so much - including her happiness for ours."

(As sad as this is - there are those of you that wear this "selflessness" as a badge of honour)

Or is your child going to be celebrating the life you lived - because you lived and squeezed every part of it!

Because you believed in greatness... because you dared to show up.... because you weren't afraid to go all in on life?

I've done this exercise and every day I show up based on the Eulogy on how I want my children to remember me. 

"She LOVED life. And she LOVED herself... and she gave us permission to be our fullest expression in life."

There is no higher purpose than being in love with your life.

Healing generational patterns is healing our understanding of Love - and this includes healing our addiction to sacrificing our happiness. 

WHAT IS TRUE, CANNOT BE BROKEN. Love is truth. Love is freedom. LOVE is power.

And your happiness is loving to you.

Therefore, you don't have to sacrifice your happiness. So don't break your happiness thinking that it is loving for all.

That's the illusion.

It's not rocket science. The happier, content and fulfilled we are - the more we are able to hold space for our children and love them in the way that they need.

The more stressed and anxious we are - we will struggle to hold space for them... and we will love them from our empty cup.......And that's not loving for anyone.

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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