
Exploring Motherhood with Consciousness, Mindfulness, and an abundance of Compassion.

What is your partner's love language?

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2022

Want to know your partner's/ children's triggers?

Look at their love language.

Want to know what has you get hijacked?

Look at your love language.

If you take it one step further, it will also give you a clear insight into what depletes a love tank exponentially! And what has someone feel most unloved. 

For my Mastermind Clients, I go through a process of understanding their baseline when...

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The questions to ask every father

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2022

It's Father's Day in Australia.

I love these celebration days... Not because of the "commercial" aspect or the gifts... And I appreciate these "celebration days" for the very reason that it provides an opportunity for reflection and acknowledgment.

We celebrated Father's Day yesterday evening with really close friends of ours.

Both John and his friend Peter, are really hands on fathers....

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Do you have your period mumma?

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2022

Growing up, when I had my period, my mum would call this season of being a woman "dirty".

It wasn't a rite of passage or something that was considered sacred. It was considered a nuisance, "dirty" and evidence for being "less than". 

She would also refer to it as a "sickness". During these times, I wasn't allowed to pray, burn incense or go near the altar or the prayer tables and prayer...

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Feeling guilty?

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2022

Feeling guilty as a parent?

This training will show you exactly how to stop feeling guilty.

If you don't stop feeling guilty, you'll continue to feel like a failure, feel completely overwhelmed and trapped, and continue to beat yourself up.

Peace is possible. So is relief. And you can be free.

If you and I can get on a call, I will show you exactly what to do that will change everything...

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The secret to being more patient and present

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2022


I'll never forget this line that one of my mentors shared with me in my late 20s.

It is easy to be great when circumstances are great. It's extraordinary to be great when the circumstances are against you.

And how I relate this to parenting is that it's really easy to be the parent that you want to be and that your children need when they are listening to you, you feel that they...

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How do I know if my inner child is running the show?

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2022

There are two places that we show up in that will cause the most pain and heartache in our relationships. 

And there are two places that we show up in that will cause the most connection, liberation, and intimacy in our relationships.

I call these our "Levels of Consciousness in Relationships".

I take my clients through my own personal framework around our levels of consciousness in...

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Do you have a pattern of scarcity and lack?

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2022

Lack and scarcity.

It's one of the most debilitating patterns. And it's a generational pattern if we're unconscious. 

I'm going to talk about money for a second.

A LACK of money is a problem.

And an abundance of money doesn't necessarily always lead to happiness... however, a lack of money is a bigger problem than an abundance of money. 

There are two things that are needed to...

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You're so hard on yourself...

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2022

You're so hard on yourself that you think it's normal. 

And that's a problem.

The real pain of this problem is that your children will "know" you love them, and they will never feel good enough to "receive" your love. 

I know you see it.

You see them being hard on themselves. You see them needing everything to be perfect. You see them weighed down by the weight of the world....and...

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Are you becoming your mother?

Uncategorized Aug 03, 2022

I couldn't believe one day, when I looked into my baby's eyes, that I had had those thoughts in my mind that I had when I was laying in bed before I picked him up.

I know I was sleep deprived.

And I know that I felt really overwhelmed with two children in a very brief amount of time.

But it blew my mind that I could think those things inside of my head.

And I thought, oh my gosh, I...

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Are we there yet?

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2022

"Are we there yet?"

Have you ever gone on a road trip or are travelling and your children or grandchildren are constantly asking. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

You look down at the GPS, and Google Maps says, it will be 2 hours. 

So you tell your children, "It's going to be another 2 hours.."

Then 15 minutes later, you hear, "Are we there yet?! When are we going to get there?! Why...

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